Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring break recap

Life has been busy as usual since Spring Break ended.  Here's the recap....

Marc and I left on Monday morning for Key West.   Key West is absolutely beautiful.  It was sunny and hot everyday.  Perfect for laying in the sun and getting favorite thing ever.  We stayed in a wonderful (and CLEAN) hotel in the perfect location.  Some pics from the trip.

We flew home on Thursday night for the holiday.  It was a short trip so while I was home I did nothing but relax and eat.  I haven't been home since Christmas so it was so great to see my family and my sweet little dog.  I saw one of my BFF's Mo.  We went to see Water for Elephants and it did not disappoint.  Water for Elephants is very close to being my favorite book.  It's tied with The Help and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  Reese played the part very well and Rob did too.  However, I don't pay much attention to his acting skills because he's super hot.   My family and I had our Easter dinner on Saturday because I had to fly back to Charlotte on Sunday afternoon.  I missed the family dinner at my aunt's house.  Sometimes it really sucks to live so far away.  My mom had an Easter basket with my fav treats on Sunday for me which I packed up and took back to munch on this week.  It was a great spring break.

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